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I have worked for two decades in the arts, specifically the dance sector in the UK. Primarily teaching contemporary, creative dance, but also visual art and wellbeing courses in the community; in prisons, with young offenders, young people, in schools and education, with adults, older people and in the mental health arena.  I’ve been a freelance dance artist, teacher, director, choreographer, project manager, programme creator, coordinator, visual artist and more recently a therapist in reflexology, aromatherapy, and crystal healing. I’ve run my own companies, worked for others, fundraised, and delivered projects that have been meaningful, transformative, and rewarding for all involved. 


Healing through arts and therapy, community spirit and creativity are the heart of who I am and what I do. I love to create, be independent and generate ideas but I also find fulfilment in connecting with people, personal development, meditation and expressing passion and emotion through dance and visual art. 

The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. 

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

In recent years I have been drawn to holistic therapies and have trained as a holistic reflexologist and crystal therapist, learnt about aromatherapy, metaphysics, symbolic meaning and engaged in healing and personal development. 


I’ve weathered and overcome various personal challenges in my life. I struggled with bouts of depression at school and throughout university, which impacted on my schooling and degree. My father took his own life when I was in my 30’s, I’ve suffered a miscarriage at 19 weeks and have recently been diagnosed with epilepsy after a series of seizures. Life isn’t easy but I have found within an ability to cope, to overcome and to live through such challenges and I continue to do so. 


I do not think it is by chance that I have been drawn to holistic therapies, I have found them incredibly nurturing and supportive in the process of dealing with my difficulties and tragedies in life. Searching for answers and understanding I have learnt how to address and look at the challenges I face. Through the teachings of the Light of Hope CIC, which incorporates metaphysical understanding, meditation, and holistic therapies I have found balance, an ability to heal myself and bring understanding to the situations I find myself in. I have also learnt from traditional counselling and cognitive behaviour therapy, as well as embracing the therapeutic nature of art, dance, and poetry.  


My father’s death was a significant turning point. It made me grow and look at life differently and it was in the aftermath that I found the Hope Centre (Light of Hope CIC) and embarked on a comprehensive healing programme. 


'Healing is for life' and 'healing is growth' are words I live by daily.  

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People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built. 

Eleanor Roosevelt

Kindness is free …. a simple smile when you walk past someone on the street, could make all the difference to someone having a bad day. Kindness towards yourself though is truly helpful and the foundation of good self-esteem. I had to learn how to be kind to myself and not berate or put myself down - it was the single most important thing I’ve done and continue to do, because from this simple act of being kind all sorts of good things can grow. 


I hope you enjoy my website. I wanted to bring together my personal passions, celebrate creativity and share the insights and therapeutic gifts that have helped me become more empowered, self-confident, and trusting in life. 









Healing takes time and, in my experience, requires diligence and commitment. It requires you to look at yourself, the issues, and problems you face and to have the courage to usher in the changes, needed for your growth and happiness. Finding a way to make your heart sing. There is a very famous Gandhi quote that says, ‘be the change that you wish to see in the world’. In my experience by changing aspects of yourself for the better your world can become a more healthy, happy, and supportive place to be. 

Change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.

Mandy Hale

True life is lived when tiny changes occur.

Leo Tolstoy

In any given moment we have two options; to step forward in growth or step back into safety.

Abraham Maslow

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