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Green Reflection

Emerald Alignment - Schools and Children

The emerald alignment for children is in essence the same as the emerald alignment for adults, only the wording and imagery is more suitable for young people and children. The technique works to balance and align the energies of the body; calming emotions, promoting stillness, focus and peace. It encourages greater flow of energy around the body and strengthens and protects the energy field. 



Please use these audios to play The Emerald Alignment to children. 


If you are working in a school it may be advisable to play some relaxing music first to settle the children. The room needs to be quiet and calm before you begin, with any children finding this difficult removed. It may be easier for some children to access the technique in smaller groups or one-to-one.  


Children need to be sitting, standing or lying down, with their eyes closed, ready for the Emerald Alignment to begin.  



Emerald Alignment for Young People - Audios

Rainbow Imagery

Up to 7 years 



Sky and Leaf Imagery

7-16 years



Covers All Imagery 

7-16 years 




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00:00 / 04:30
Forest Trees

Three Steps of The Emerald Alignment
for Children up to 7 years old - Rainbow Imagery 

Step 1

Imagine standing in a field of bright green grass.


Look above you into the sky and see a beautiful rainbow above your head.


Ask the rainbow to send you droplets of blue light to wash away difficulties in your body - washing from your head down to your feet, letting go of your worries, fears, frustrations, sadness, upset, aches and pains. 

Step 2

Ask the rainbow now to send you a beam of emerald green light in through the top of your head, down to your feet and down into the earth. 


Feel the roots of green light go deep down into the earth, like roots of a tree.


Ask the rainbow to send you a beam of emerald light across your shoulders and down into your hands, fingers and thumbs.


Let the green light make you feel fresh strong and positive, balanced and equal, straight and rooted to the earth - like a wise strong oak tree. 

Step 3

Now ask the rainbow to send you a big deep blue bubble, to form, all the way around your body. 


Feel safe and protected inside your deep blue bubble and feel happy, relaxed, strong and positive. 

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